What are the minimum system requirements?

Here are the minimum system requirements to run our digital resources:

Interactive Textbook:
You must be connected to the internet to activate your account and to use your Interactive Textbook. Best viewed in Chrome, Safari or Firefox.

Some material on Cambridge GO, including the Offline Textbook, can be downloaded.


Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin or HOTmaths:
You must be connected to the internet to activate your account and to use your Interactive Textbook powered by Cambridge Edjin or HOTmaths. Please ensure you meet these requirements:

For Mac or PC: 

  • Chrome version 51 or later (Mac or Windows)
  • Safari version 10 or later for Mac
  • Microsoft Edge version 79 or later (Mac or Windows)
  • Firefox version 54 or later (Mac or Windows)

For iPad or Android tablets

  • Chrome for Android version 51 or later
  • Safari for iPad, IOS version 10 or later
  • Chrome for iPad, IOS version 51 or later
  • Firefox version 54 or later

Screen size - minimum width 1024px

Cookie enabled


Interactive Textbook Teacher Edition:
You must be connected to the internet to activate your account and use the Interactive Textbook. Some material on Cambridge GO, including the Offline Textbook, can be downloaded.


Offline Textbook:
You must be connected to the internet to activate your account. The Offline Textbook, which may be in PDF or app format, can then be downloaded.


Online Teaching Suite:
You must be connected to the internet to activate your account and access your Online Teaching Suite. Resources require Microsoft Office 2007 or high and Adobe Reader 9 or higher.


You must be connected to the internet to activate your account and to access QuizMeMore.


Teacher Resource Package:
You must be connected to the internet to activate your account and access the downloadable resources. Resources require Microsoft Office 2007 or higher and Adobe Reader 9 or higher.