Diagnostic tool - How to search for questions

Whether you have used the Wizard or Manual selection to create a pre- or mid-test, you have the opportunity to edit the question selection before it is assigned. You can also edit the questions in a post-test prior to it being assigned.  

  1. If you are not already in the Test edit tab, click on the pre-, mid or post-test from the Test Families tab.
  2. The Search criteria can be selected from a Textbook or Curriculum/Syllabus view. Drill down to Mathematical Skill if required and use additional filters for question difficulty or keyword. Click Search.
  3. The new questions from your search will appear in the left-hand panel with the draft test in the right-hand panel. Toggle the arrow next to a question to view the full detail. To add a question to your test, click the +. The + at the top of the left-hand column will add all questions.
  4. Once you are happy with your selection. Click the save icon. saveicon.png

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