Diagnostic tool - How to generate a Results by Question or by Skill report

How-to video instructions are available here.

Results by Question


1. From the Reports tab in the diagnostic area, select the Results by question report from the drop-down options.

2. Choose to report on all pre- and mid-tests and the post-test in the Test Family, or deselect those you don't want to include. Click Generate.

3. Your Results by question file can be exported as a .csv file with correct and incorrect answers converted to 1 and 0. 

Note, if your report shows 0% in the total score for a student, this indicates that the student has not submitted the test. Find out how to force-submit a test here

Results by Skill 

1. Follow the same steps as above to run the Results by Skill report.

2. You can refine the results displayed by using the drop-down options.
