Edit test questions:
You have the opportunity to edit the questions in a pre- or mid-test and also an automatically generated post-test prior to it being assigned to students.
Use the Search filters to select your question criteria. Note you can make your selection from a Textbook or Curriculum/Syllabus view.
Add a question to your draft test with the + icon.
Delete a question from your draft.
Toggle the arrow to view whole question.
Move the location of question by dragging.
Save your test.
Edit a test expiry:
You may need to edit the expiry of a test if you have absent students.
Go to the Manage assigned tests / Assign follow-up work tab.
Toggle the arrow next to the name of the test to expand the detail.
Click Edit.
Select the right hand side of the Dates between field and change the expiry date and time.
Click Update.