How to use the Interactive Textbook

Interactive Textbooks published from March 2018 onwards have bookmarking and note taking features that can be accessed as follows:

Bookmarking: To add a bookmark to a page, click on the bookmark icon from the toolbar at the bottom of the page, then click on the section of the textbook that you want to mark. readericons.png

A blue bookmark icon will sit in the left hand margin at that location. bluebookmark.png

To access sections you have bookmarked, select the Bookmarks icon in the left hand navigation bar. The relevant bookmarks for the current chapter will be listed.



Note taking: To add a note to a section of your Interactive Textbook, highlight the text and select the Note icon that will appear on your screen.


A note field will pop up for you to type your notes and save. Your note will be saved in that chapter and can be accessed from within that chapter by going to the note icon in the left hand navigation bar.


Contents: Navigate to the part, chapter or section of the textbook that you require with the Contents icon.


My Activity: You can locate any bookmark or note that you have added in your Interactive Textbook through My Activity. Use the filters to select the chapter and type of annotation you are looking for.


Media: The Media icon provides a list of the galleries, videos, activities, widgets and more from within in the chapter or the whole book. You can jump directly to any of these by clicking on the blue arrow icon.



Glossary: The Glossary icon provides an A-Z listing of all of the key words and their definitions.
